Frequently Asked Questions
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You can purchase Kleen King online at https://store.faultlessbrands.com/collections/kleen-king!
At this time we are unable to ship internationally, we recommend looking for resellers on Amazon that have the ability to do so.
All Kleen King products are made within the Domestic US.
Visit our individual product pages for all ingredient details.
Optimum results if used within 5 years of the ‘made on’ date.
Kleen King products should be stored in a cool, dry place. Keep out of extreme temperatures or moisture, to keep liquids from freezing.
All Kleen King containers are recyclable.
All Kleen King products do not require hazardous disposal.
You can visit our SDS library for more information.
Our Ecommerce specialist is happy to help, you can reach them directly at : help@osgsupport.com or by calling (816) 842-1230.
Please send your questions to info@faultlessbrands.com, Or call us at (816) 842-1230.